HURACÁN LT is the first LED beam-wash luminaire in the brand new line of “LT” (Long
Throw) products dedicated to long-range applications. To achieve an ultra-intense
beam from a LED source, AYRTON has added 225 mm-diameter, extra-large frontal
optics weighing 7 kg. The proprietary optical system has 13 lenses, delivering a 15:1
zoom ratio and a zoom range of 3.5° to 53°. Fitted with a next-generation, oversized
liquid phase-change cooling system and a new high-efficiency 1000 W LED module,
HURACÁN LT delivers record light output of 51,000 lumens at a colour temperature of
6700 K when operating at a steady state. Provided with multiple optical tools designed
for shaping light, HURACÁN LT is factory-equipped with a removable high-transmission
diffusion filter to erase the edge of the beam without changing its angle; a progressive
linear frost system for precision adjustment of the desired diffusion level; a special
filter for creating artificial wash effects; a de-focusable rotating beam-shaping optic;
and two image-multiplying rotating prisms – one linear with four facets, and the other
circular with five facets.
HURACÁN LT has adopted the same revolutionary complex colour mixing system as
HURACÁN LT offering a double CMY saturation level that can obtain over a trillion
colours (patent pending) and a triple corrector for variable colour temperature that
allows subtle adjustment from 2700 K to 15000 K and significant CRI improvement.
HURACÁN LT features an advanced framing section, which enables accurate positioning
of four shutter blades on a 100% surface area in all positions, so that the user can
frame any object regardless of the luminaire’s position. The effects section includes
two superimposed rotating gobo wheels each with seven HD glass gobos; a 15-blade
iris diaphragm; a monochromatic multi-position effects wheel for horizontal, vertical
or axial scrolling for creating flame, water or radiant effects (patent pending) and
a RGB and CMY effects wheel for unique multicolour effects. HURACÁN LT, which
combines exceptional light power and an ultra-intense beam with standard equipment
in a class by itself, is a formidable tool for large venues, such as arenas and stadiums
dedicated to major events.